Wednesday 11 March 2015

Facebook Set to DELETE Fake & Inactive Accounts

Facebook Spring Clean 12th March 2015

The latest facebook update is set to go live in the next 24 hours and promises to be beneficial for all genuine accounts. It will also prove interesting for any accounts who have bought LIKES by using click farms to massage their figures.

If the facebook statement is to be read correctly, they are getting ready to delete all fake and inactive accounts. This will have a small effect on most accounts, purely because some of the followers no longer use facebook or have deactivated their accounts.  These accounts will be deleted, which can only be a good thing for gauging more accurately data from your insights. So, small drops in figures are to be expected and should not raise the alarm.

However, and the most welcome part of this purge to clean up facebook, the update will also delete fake accounts which have been bought through click farms. Some accounts have paid money to companies whose sole purpose is to add LIKES or FOLLOWERS to a page. This is a pointless task and doesn’t add benefit to a brand; it just deceives other people who visit the page that it is more popular than it actually is.  We will be watching with interest over the next 24 hours to see the effect this will have and to which accounts, celebs, businesses’ products and services? Watch this space.   

Facebook Statement

“We’ve recently updated the way we measure how many people like your Page. Pages may see a decrease in likes after March 12, when we [have] removed likes from inactive Facebook accounts.”